Bangor Table
Coming Soon

Willunga Slate (South Australia)
Rock Maple
1300W 550D 400H
The once thriving slate industry forms a significant part of South Australia’s cultural heritage. This design aims to draw attention to the remarkable natural qualities of this underutilised local material.
The slate top is left unprocessed, in it's original shape as quarried from the hillside, with a tung oil finish applied. The base references geological formation and surfaces created in the hill side quarries of Willunga.
“the relict landscapes of the quarries need to be seen as part of a wider cultural landscape that encompasses industrial and social landscapes, which can in turn be used as the basis for public interpretation.”
Susan Piddock, "Slate, slate, everywhere slate: the cultural landscapes of the Willunga slate quarries, South Australia", Australasian Historical Archeology, Vol. 25, 2007,: 5-18